Special Pest Control Solutions for Birds, Bees and Rodents

Pests like birds, bees, and rats can be particularly difficult to deal with, but Rudy’s has you covered with our Special Services.

Two employees stand in front of a Rudy's Pest Control vehicle, surrounded by cartoon silhouette palm trees, as well as birds, bees and rodents

Select Rodents, Birds, or Bees to Learn More

Rodent solutions that work

Rodents like rats and mice can be a major problem for both homes and businesses, spreading disease and causing damage to your property. These pests can gnaw on wiring, pipes, and insulation, leading to costly repairs and potentially dangerous situations. They can also transmit diseases to humans through their droppings and bites. At Rudy’s, we offer a range of rat control methods to help you protect you from these pests for good. These methods include:

  • Trapping
  • Baiting
  • Exclusion methods

Why use Rudy’s for rodents?

Expertise: Rudy’s has extensive experience in rodent control, offering solutions for mice, rats, gophers, and more.

Humane and safe: We understand the importance of using humane and safe methods for rodent control.

Customized: We know that each rodent problem is unique, and that’s why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Rodent Control FAQ

Some signs that you may have a rodent problem include droppings, gnawed materials, nests, and scratching sounds in the walls or ceiling.

To prevent rodents from entering your home, it’s important to seal any gaps or holes in the walls, floors, and foundation. 

At Rudy’s we use effective rodent control methods that are pet and child-friendly. Our methods promote a safe environment for your loved ones, and we will let you know of any precautions that need to be taken. We avoid using harmful chemicals and instead rely on traps and exclusion methods to keep rodents out.

The length of time it takes to eliminate a rodent infestation can vary depending on the severity of the problem. Our team will work quickly and efficiently to address the issue and ensure that the rodents are eliminated as soon as possible.

To prevent future rodent infestations, it’s important to maintain good sanitation habits and keep your home free of clutter. Regular inspections and maintenance can also help to catch and address any potential issues before they become major problems.

Birds control methods for every situation

Pigeons can be a major nuisance, leaving droppings on your property and causing damage to your roof and other structures. These droppings can harbor harmful bacteria and transmit diseases, making them a potential health hazard. At Rudy’s, we offer a range of bird control methods to help you keep your property clean and protected. These methods include:

  • Netting
  • Spikes
  • Trapping
  • Bird deterrents

Why use Rudy’s for birds?

Experienced technicians: Our team of bird control experts have extensive experience in identifying and controlling bird infestations.

Expert installation: Rudy’s team of experts are highly skilled in bird control installation, ensuring that all solutions are installed correctly and effectively to prevent bird infestations from recurring.

Wildlife experts: At Rudy’s, we have a team of experienced wildlife experts who are knowledgeable about the behavior and habitats of different species.

Bird Control FAQ

Rudy’s provides bird control solutions for a wide range of bird species, including pigeons, seagulls, sparrows, starlings, and more.

Rudy’s uses a variety of humane bird control methods, including bird netting, bird spikes, bird wire systems, and deterrents such as visual devices and audio systems.

Yes, Rudy’s bird control methods are safe for other wildlife. We use humane and environmentally-friendly solutions that do not harm birds or other animals.

Yes, bird droppings can be harmful to humans as they may contain disease-causing bacteria and fungi. Rudy’s bird control solutions help prevent birds from roosting or nesting in areas where they may create a health hazard.

The cost of bird control services depends on a number of factors, including the type of bird control method used, the size of the area being treated, and the severity of the bird problem. Rudy’s offers customized solutions for each customer, with pricing based on individual needs and circumstances.

Facts about bees in California

  • California is home to over 1,600 different species of bees, making it one of the most bee-diverse states in the US.
  • The honeybee (Apis mellifera) is the most common species of bee in California and is an important pollinator of many crops grown in the state, such as almonds, apples, and avocados.
  • California produces over 80% of the world’s almonds, and honeybees are critical for their pollination.
  • In recent years, honeybee populations in California and around the world have been declining due to factors such as habitat loss and climate change.
  • California has strict regulations governing the use of pesticides and other chemicals that can harm bees, and the state has taken steps to protect pollinator habitats and promote bee-friendly practices.
  • California also a large population of native bees, such as bumblebees and carpenter bees, which play important roles in pollination and ecosystem health.

Killer bees should be handled by professionals

Killer bees, also known as Africanized honey bees, have been present in California since the 1990s. These bees are a hybrid of African and European honey bees, and they are known for their aggressive behavior. When disturbed or threatened, they will defend their hive and attack in large numbers. While their venom is not more potent than that of other honey bees, the sheer number of bees involved in an attack can be dangerous, especially to those who are allergic. It’s important to be cautious around bee hives and to contact a professional bee removal service if you suspect that you have a killer bee infestation on your property.